One very smitten big sister!
Hi Hannah I thought I would share my birth story with you! I was part of the July hypnobirthing class. I was a week over my due date, the day after my sister in law's wedding, luckily Miss Chloe let me attend that! I had a second stretch and sweep Sunday morning and lost my mucous plug, had some mild cramps all day that weren't consistent or regular. Woke up in the middle of the night with what felt like surges, more of a 'wave' than a tightening. Still not 'painful' of regular. Rested through these and let my husband and daughter sleep. My first labour was 12 hours so thought I had more time. I woke them up later in the morning so my husband could take her to his mum's. I stayed at home as I didn't think I was 'ready' for the hospital. Hopped in the bath and just relaxed and listened to the hypnobirthing tracks and did deep breathing, I was actually falling asleep between surges so wasn't sure how regular they were, and they definitely weren't painful. My waters broke and then it began!
The surges were back to back and I knew I was in transition from my first baby. I was so calm and focussed on my breathing and being totally relaxed and 'letting go' I was so excited I was so close to meeting my baby! I knew I could do this. I called my husband in for support, of course he freaked out as he thought we had 'hours to go' compared to my first labour. He persuaded me to get out of the bath so we could drive to the hospital. As soon as I got out I had to push! I told him to call the ambulance to come get us. He was panicking but I was completely relaxed as I knew I could do this. My husband was worried as she wasn't breathing (only her head was out at this stage) and told me to get her out quick. Once she rotated in my pelvis she was out in one more push.
The ambulance officers arrived and just in time as I soon started to have a post partum haemorrhage. Things became scary from there but I knew I was in good hands. I ended up having a severe blood loss and going into shock. A few procedures were done once at the hospital to remove blood clots and to stop the bleeding (these were worse than labour pain wise x1000!) the breathing techniques I learnt in hypnobirthing helped me out here to get some relief with the gas and air. After what felt like forever the bleeding had been stopped and I was able to hold my baby.
She is absolutely perfect! 8 pounds nine and a half ounces, and out in two pushes! I definitely couldn't have gone through all this physically as well as emotionally without the hypnobirthing techniques. Even though things got 'out of control' I felt in control with how I reacted.
Birth story shared with permission.