Hi Hannah!
I am absolutely thrilled to introduce you to our daughter Goldie Jean. Born Wednesday 27th June at 6:49pm. Weighing 7.2 pounds and 48.8 cm in length.
I cannot put into words how truly grateful we are to have attended your group hypnobirthing sessions. It had come so highly recommended by many and I have always wanted to have a drug free/ low intervention birth.
Unfortunately in the lead up to my guess date, the baby had stopped growing, the placenta seemed to be calcifying prematurely and the amniotic fluid was decreasing. In previous discussions with my doctor I had been clear that I wanted to try for spontaneous labour, however we came to a compromise that I could go a couple days over but then I would need to be induced.
This was really scary as I thought this would surely ruin my chances of having a drug free birth. From 37 weeks I started listening to the meditation tracks at least once if not twice a day, and the night before my induction I read some positive induction stories from the website and also did a fear release.
The induction started with gels which brought on the early stages of labour, which increased after my waters were broken. Unfortunately there was still the need for syntocinon. At this point I told Craig I would need the gas and air as I knew from my research that the syntocinon would prematurely ramp up my contractions.
As the labour continued we used a variety of positions and techniques that we learnt with you. The light touch, anchor points, showers and baths. I was also driving everyone crazy with the three meditation tracks on repeat.
My Dr came in for a VE (internal examination) and I was 8cm. I got back in the bath and in my trance I could hear them talking. He was going to come back in a couple of hours and I thought to myself ‘No way. She will be here before then. 40 minutes later I was completely dilated and pushing with the midwife and my husband on the bathroom floor. It was so amazing to just relinquish all control to my body. We managed to get me on the bed and my husband had rubber gloves on and was working with the midwife. The doctor came in with about 10 minutes to spare and she was born.

What I found the most helpful about hypnobirthing is that it gives you information and tools to empower you to embrace the very natural act of birthing. I especially liked the meditation tracks, and in the later phase of my labour with ever surge I was reminding myself to ‘surrender and go deeper’. Even now that she is here, Goldie and I enjoy the Rainbow Mist meditation together after our night time feeds which has really helped me make the most of the 2 hour windows of possible sleep time.
Attending the hypnobirthing course with you was by far the best investment we made towards our pregnancy. The icing on the cake was how impressed my slightly sceptical Dr was with how calm and ‘ in the zone’ I was.
Many thanks
Allison, Craig & Goldie.
I absolutely love receiving emails like this! Congratulations Allison and Craig - you absolutely embraced the hypnobirthing philosophy! Birth story shared with permission.