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What my clients are saying...

I would highly recommend Hannah, not only is she a midwife with amazing midwifery knowledge which supports her hypnobirthing teaching, she has a calming and reassuring nature, we connected with her instantly. She kindly offer us in home condensed sessions, made regular contact up until the birth of our little hypno bub who is so noticeably calm in nature already. She offered an extra session leading up to his birth if needed but after her sessions and practicing daily I felt prepared enough and all of it most certainly did help with my Labour and Birth.

Nikki, Hypnobirthing mama (and midwife)

I can not thank you enough for the Hypnobirthing skills you provided my wife Megan and myself for the birth of our little girl Gracie. At the hospital antenatal classes, frequently the midwives and other couples would mention that it is normal for the blokes to feel useless and unable to help as they oversee their partners labouring during birth. Often the men feel helpless and find it difficult to witness their partners in labour. With the hypnobirthing skills you taught me, during Megan's 72hr rollercoaster labour I never experienced the feeling of being useless during the birth. As my wife's birthing partner, I was able to be the facilitator for the hypnobirthing and assist her through every step of the way. Hypnobirthing allowed us to be a fantastic team during the labour. Thank you so much!

Chris, Hypnobirthing Dad

'I had no pain relief except a little bit of gas, and I did the water birth that I wanted- received her myself in the bath! The midwives said it was an amazing birth because I was just entirely calm and cracking jokes in between my surges.'

Kat, Hypnobirthing mama

'The birth unfolded exactly as I envisioned and I can proudly say that I gave birth drug and intervention free thanks to hypnobirthing. Thank you so much Hannah! You have played a vital role in one of the best days of my life!'

Lisa, Hypnobirthing mama

'We were able to achieve a calm, positive and drug free birth as we'd hoped. It was such a positive experience overall we couldn't fault it! We couldn't recommend the course more highly! Will definitely recommend the course to everyone!'

Kate, Hypnobirthing mama

"I was so relaxed during the final moments of delivery that my husband took a photo of me (how kind!) but it completely captured the moment. It was quiet. My favourite song was playing. My eyes were closed and I could feel my baby slowing descending as he was such a wriggler. It was everything hypnobirthing should be. Thank you so much for all your advice and knowledge. Although I still hate hospitals and needles, I am not afraid of birth!'.

Liz, Hypnobirthing mama

'Things didn't go as planned but we took each turn in a calm informed way so hypnobirthing DEFINITELY helped. She was born a perfectly happy, TOTALY CHILLED little hypno bub :) I am proud at the way I handled things and overall we both feel that it was a positive birthing experience and we feel that was due to your course and the amazing hospital staff.

Fiona, Hypnobirthing mama

'Thank you so much for working with us in developing so many hypnobirthing skills. It made birthing such an enjoyable experience, and one I want to do all over again (although not for a while). Again thank you so much. We will definitely recommend hypnobirthing and your services to any friends looking into natural birthing.'

Amy, Hypnobirthing mama

Thanks Hannah! Could not recommend your hypnobirthing course highly enough! Simply awesome...kept me cool, calm and collected even through the toughest of turns throughout our labour. Couldn't imagine our labour without it and all your knowlege & expertise you shared leading up to the birth was priceless! Thank you.


Megan, Hypnobirthing mama

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