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Lauren's Hypnobirthing Story

Updated: Sep 16, 2021

Hi Hannah!

My hypnobirthing baby arrived Friday the 12th of May 2017 at 10.32 am - Three days before her estimated guess date. Miss Eleanor Cathryn was 8 pounds and 51cm long.

I had a smooth 8 hour labour at hospital, with no drugs - and even dozed off at times!

I was very much looking forward to meeting my baby and using my tools. People would say 'good luck with no drugs' and I would reply with a thank you - I am looking forward to the birth! The experience really lived up to the beautiful positive stories I had read (in The Birth Goddess by Katrina Zaslavsky) - it was so amazing and I am so happy about it all.

During the pregnancy I had listened to Surge of the Sea, Rainbow Mist, Affirmations for Beautiful Birthing, Glove of Endorphins and the Fear Release.

My surges began with 3 every 10 minutes! So it was not long before we left home for the hospital. I took the two flights of stairs as I felt the need to continue moving rather than taking the lift. Within a short time frame I was settled, heat bags on back and tummy, and light touch and encouraging words from my partner when the surges came. The surges were intense but bearable. I listened to the Hypnobirthing music track Tranquil Chambers.

I could tell when a surge was coming, and would focus my breathing. I visualized climbing a mountain - I breathed, uphill, and knew there would be 3 (and later 4) breaths where the mountain was steeper but then after those breaths I knew I was over that mountain. It felt good and empowering! No one actually knew I was visualizing this until I mentioned it after.

When I was eventually checked, I was fully dilated! The obstetrician (who was wonderful!) asked to break my waters to which I felt was the right thing to do. I instantly felt relief and progression. After that it was not long and we met Eleanor! We had instant skin to skin and she breastfed perfectly within 15 minutes of birth.

Eleanor is 12 weeks old now and so well natured and happy! I definitely attribute her gentle nature to hypnobirthing.

I had so so so many comments from the nursing staff about how great I was during the labour and birth. And what a great team my partner and I are. My partner even overheard a midwife talking about me - that she was so disappointed she wasn't working because she is really into hypnobirthing and would've loved to be there! How wonderful! Another midwife said she's so proud of me!

Its funny because I really felt like its such a natural normal thing like brushing your teeth or going for a walk.

It wasn't until I said to another new mum and dad that my birthing was natural, drug free and great! - that I realised exactly how incredible I was! I almost felt embarrassed to tell them it was an amazing experience!

Thank you Hannah! P.S. Love the Mums and Bubs catch ups you host Hannah xo

Birth story shared with permission.

Sneaking some cuddles with little Eleanor!

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